Helping families achieve sleep for their children

Are you tired and experiencing any of the following with your child’s sleep?

  • Frequent night wakings

  • Short naps

  • Early morning wakings

  • Strong sleep associations such as being fed or rocked to sleep

  • Poor association with their cot/bed and refusal to sleep there

  • Unexpected changes to a perfect schedule caused by a regression

  • Challenges juggling a new baby & a toddler

  • Toddler tantrums at nap time or bedtime

  • Lack of routine and structure to the day

How the process works

Book free 15 minute consultation

Purchase appropriate package

Review of completed sleep form & daily logs

Sleep plan presented on video consultation

Plan is put into action with my ongoing support


I’m Maeve, mother of 2, Certified Paediatric Sleep Consultant and member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants.

My interest in children’s sleep began when I became a mother. Like countless others, I faced many challenges with my babies’ sleep. However when I sought help, I saw remarkable results. This interest quickly turned into a passion following my studies and training in the field of paediatric sleep.

I am constantly intrigued with baby & toddler sleep and have an innate desire to help parents achieve healthy sleep foundations for their children. 

I have a keen eye for detail having spent a career in finance and I am dedicated to providing you with the knowledge, support and encouragement necessary for lasting results.

What clients are saying…


All packages are suitable for children from 4 months until 4 years

One-off Consultation


sleeping baby feet

2 Week Support


4 Week Support



Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or would like to purchase a sleep package.

Simply fill out the form, email or book a free 15 minute consultation